Under the High Patronage of

Mr. Emmanuel Macron

President of the French Republic

Centennial of the International Mathematical Union: opening session


Monday September 27, 2021

Time Slot Description Video Slides
10h00 Coffee-reception
10h45 Carlos E. Kenig (President of the IMU), Bertrand Rémy (Président du Comité National Français des Mathématiques), Michel Deneken (Président de l'Université de Strasbourg) Welcome address
11h00 Madame Frédérique Vidal (Ministre de la Recherche, de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de l'Innovation) Welcome address (in video)
11h05 Nalini Joshi (Vice-President of IMU), Susan Friedlander (President of the Mathematical Council of the Americas), Hyungju Park (Coordinator of the working group with the Mathematical Union of Asia), Volker Mehrmann (President of the European Mathematical Society), Nouzha El Yacoubi (President of the African Mathematical Union) Greetings from the IMU
11h15 Stanislav Smirnov (Université de Genève, St. Petersburg University, Skoltech) News from the ICM 2022
11h20 Daya Reddy (President of ISC)
11h35 Jean-Luc Dorier (Université de Genève) Capacity and networking project (CANP): a key issue of the International commission on mathematical instruction (ICMI) at the turn of the 21st century
12h00 Norbert Schappacher (Université de Strasbourg) The Sinuous Road towards Global Mathematics
13h00 Lunch